Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Night One

May 18, 2009.

Arrived thirty minutes early, looking like a total moron, having expected to get lost as I've never actually been to this college before. Fortunately, the instructors were both really nice and pleasant, and we had a decent conversation all about how totally not-on-the-ball I am as far as books (didn't have 'em), stethoscope (didn't expect to need one), shirt (didn't get one), pants (didn't know I needed a new pair), and actual money to pay for the class (nope).

After the other seven students arrived and three got sent to get their books I decided I didn't need to go grocery shopping and followed them, blowing $80 on a frickin' 1200 page book. Good thing? I will be able to do the reading, and it is looking like a book that will be one of those rare books you can use more than once. Bad thing? It cost me way too much friggin' money. Harrumph. I only bought it with my own cash because we need to have chapter one and two read by tomorrow and I am not that psychic so I actually need a book to read.

We then discussed two hours of boring, broken with intermittent weak jokes (that I still thought were funny, but my class appears to be populated by cadavers) and neat personal anecdotes (eeee paramedic stories). Tomorrow is apparently going to be four hours of boring. Then I get Wednesday off before four more hours of boring.

Also, I can't lift 125lbs. I have to be able to. I can lift 50lbs, and 60lbs, but after that I start to have a problem. Know what? 50lbs is half my body weight. I think that's pretty darn good. So I am thinking of going to the gym for an hour after work on Wendesday and Friday.

Note: That will never happen. I hate working out. But it's nice to pretend I'm going to be proactive.

Also if I miss three classes, I'm booted from the program - this will be hard for me, I'm truly horrible about not attending class. But at the moment I'm still excited for it, so let's hope that doesn't wear off. If get below a 75 on any test, I'm unable to be certified. This is a horrible thing to say to a girl with test anxiety so bad that I tend to get to the room and have an instant panic attack.

I think that's all we learned. I sleep soon...holy crap it's almost 1am... so I can get up tomorrow and do this all over again. Whoo...routine...


  1. It's tough training, but it's worth it. I had to do something similar while I was in the Navy. Have fun, and good luck! - Strick

  2. I got a COMMENT. Squee. -giggle- Thanks Strick. I'm really excited about it. I'm hoping I can take it as seriously as I need to.
