I am officially done with one night of CPR training... and it was not hard lol. I thought it would suck WAY more! I ended up sharing my dummy with Nurse most of the time. We started out with vitals, which I took of Busy - hers went down and mine went up, go figure? And then we all sat silently to wait for Nurse since Crispy and Kiddo both already had CPR cards and Nurse was late. So she finally got there and after some bantering (I love this class now that they've all calmed down and stopped being dead silent, they're funny! And quick, too) we started up.
For an adult it's 30 compressions, 2 breaths, at a rate of roughly 100 compressions a minute - which means you should be compression 90 times and breathing six times in a minute if you're going fast enough. After two minutes, or five compressions, you stop and reassess (IE look for a pulse). If there's a heartbeat but they aren't breathing you just breathe for them until help arrives. Pretty much the exact same for a kid but shallower compressions.
I also learned to use an AED and holy crap, is that EASY. It looks like a child's toy. You press a button to turn it on. It TALKS TO YOU and tells you what to do. You stick the pads (which have diagrams for placement) on the chest and then you plug 'em in. It checks for a heartrate, then tells you to clear the body and press the orange button to deliver a shock. That's all there is to it.
Fun Fact: Disneyland has an AED and Emergency Phone every 100 feet!
We were threatened with a "miracle of life" video but maybe we'll get away without that lol. I think we have to watch that later during EMT stuff but fortunately I don't think a CPR certification requires knowing how to deliver a baby. Haha.
We also learned how to perform the Heim -- oops. Did you know if you use the "H" word now you have to pay a $2 royalty? They're called "abdominal thrusts" now. So we learned how to perform "abdominal thrusts" on someone who's choking and how to handle someone who passes out while choking. AND how to do thrusts on someone overweight (whack 'em in the abdomen with your elbow. No, I'm not kidding) and how to do 'em on someone who's pregnant (chest thrusts, in the same place as you do CPR thrusts).
Fun Fact: The accepted place for CPR is "xyphoid process and two fingers up." The real place is between the nipple-line.
That was about all we did. I am really bad with BVMs (Bag-Valve Masks) but I got a bit better. I'm AWFUL at making sure the frickin' head is back to clear the airway lol... but I'm great at compressions, once I figure out where to do them.
Also if you are compressing and start hearing "knuckle-cracking" sounds... that's because the rib cartilidge is tearing away from the sternum. Yes, really. Apparently you will know when you break ribs. And CPR leaves huge massive nasty bruises on people.
Also two minutes is a really long time. It's one hell of a work-out. I was shaky after class.
"Somebody Call 9-1-1!!!"
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Night Four
Sorry I was le'tired the other night so I didn't post this one.
After a ridiculous amount of difficulty during the day, I showed up to class. We went over stuff like how the heart works (er...something about... well I know the left side pumps blood to the whole body and the right pumps blood to the lungs... that's all I remember - this is bad, we're being tested on that) and the respiratory system. And covered some stuff about nerves and the endocrine system (we spent a grand total of ONE PARAGRAPH on that. Thankfully we'll be covering that again in later chapters).
Then we got to play with blood pressure cuffs!
Er. I mean. We got to...very seriously be instructed on how to use them.
What'cha do is find the pulse-point above the elbow and apply the cuff, keeping it level with the heart. There's even a neat little label on the cuff that says "ARTERY" with an arrow. It makes me laugh.
Then, you tighten the little dial on the top of the black...er...perfume-squirter thing. And then you pump that sucker up to 160 (higher with older patients since they tend to have higher blood pressures). Then you turn the dial sliiiiiiightly to the left and let the air slowly ninja out. And listen closely on the stethoscope. Suddenly you'll hear the heartbeat SUPER LOUD. That's when you check to see where it started. Then you listen intently and let the air keep whispering out. Suddenly the beat will stop being so loud and you check again. My BP is around 90/60, which isn't worrisome because I'm so tiny. It WAS worrisome a few months ago when it was like 140/90 or something insane like that. Methinks I was having a panic attack when they checked that. O_O;
Then they let us out two hours early. It was righteous. We're going to be doing our CPR certification tonight (Night Five) and Monday (Night Six). That will be very exciting. Whoo-hoo. -waves hands-
Also. Here's the Skeleton stuff I learned. Let's see how many I can get, yes?
1. Cranium
2. Mandible (the top jaw is the Maxilla by the way)
3. Clavical
4. Sternum (which ends in the Xyphoid process)
5. Humorous
6. Ribs
7. Spine
8. I believe this is either the pelvis or the pubis. Not sure there.
9. Radius
10. Ulna
11. Carpals
12. Metacarpals
13. Uh...fingertips? WTF is this doing here?
14. Femur
15. Er. Knee? Crap I can't remember.
16. Fibula
17. Tibia or Tibula or whatever
18. Tarsals
19. Metatarsals
20. ...toe...tip...bones? WTF?
Okay so the things I need to know for the test that I don't - 8 and 15. The other two, 13 and 20, won't be on the test so I don't give a darn lol.
So there you have it. Things I know! I can't believe I remember this. But I tend to sit there and poke my bones when I get bored muttering the names. ...ohmigod, am I studying!? LIES. I must stop this immediately! Someone call for help!
Alriiiight. Four days of class and I can take a mean pulse, watch people breathe, and check blood-pressure. I also know where your bones are, unless you need help with your knees in which case you're screwed 'cause I don't know the fancy name for that. (-looks it up- Patella! That's it. Oh and 13 and 20 are "Phalanges." Whatever. -huff- And they say it's Pelvis...cool, then I'm rockin' - I think the pubis is the thing underneath the coccyx (tailbone) perhaps).
Bam. Recognize (yes I am such a boring person that I will LOOK this stuff UP for accuracy) -->
I'm excited for the CPR certification tonight and Monday. Pleasepleasepleaseplease be hands-on. I love hands-on. I am a very hands-on learner. In fact I tend to fail lecture classes and ace the labs, go figure.
(Thanks for the comments by the way, it's fun to know one or two people are actually reading this and I'm not just lecturing on medical nonsense to myself! ... although this may be good for studying for the State test...hmm...)
After a ridiculous amount of difficulty during the day, I showed up to class. We went over stuff like how the heart works (er...something about... well I know the left side pumps blood to the whole body and the right pumps blood to the lungs... that's all I remember - this is bad, we're being tested on that) and the respiratory system. And covered some stuff about nerves and the endocrine system (we spent a grand total of ONE PARAGRAPH on that. Thankfully we'll be covering that again in later chapters).
Then we got to play with blood pressure cuffs!
Er. I mean. We got to...very seriously be instructed on how to use them.
What'cha do is find the pulse-point above the elbow and apply the cuff, keeping it level with the heart. There's even a neat little label on the cuff that says "ARTERY" with an arrow. It makes me laugh.
Then, you tighten the little dial on the top of the black...er...perfume-squirter thing. And then you pump that sucker up to 160 (higher with older patients since they tend to have higher blood pressures). Then you turn the dial sliiiiiiightly to the left and let the air slowly ninja out. And listen closely on the stethoscope. Suddenly you'll hear the heartbeat SUPER LOUD. That's when you check to see where it started. Then you listen intently and let the air keep whispering out. Suddenly the beat will stop being so loud and you check again. My BP is around 90/60, which isn't worrisome because I'm so tiny. It WAS worrisome a few months ago when it was like 140/90 or something insane like that. Methinks I was having a panic attack when they checked that. O_O;
Then they let us out two hours early. It was righteous. We're going to be doing our CPR certification tonight (Night Five) and Monday (Night Six). That will be very exciting. Whoo-hoo. -waves hands-
Also. Here's the Skeleton stuff I learned. Let's see how many I can get, yes?
1. Cranium
2. Mandible (the top jaw is the Maxilla by the way)
3. Clavical
4. Sternum (which ends in the Xyphoid process)
5. Humorous
6. Ribs
7. Spine
8. I believe this is either the pelvis or the pubis. Not sure there.
9. Radius
10. Ulna
11. Carpals
12. Metacarpals
13. Uh...fingertips? WTF is this doing here?
14. Femur
15. Er. Knee? Crap I can't remember.
16. Fibula
17. Tibia or Tibula or whatever
18. Tarsals
19. Metatarsals
20. ...toe...tip...bones? WTF?
Okay so the things I need to know for the test that I don't - 8 and 15. The other two, 13 and 20, won't be on the test so I don't give a darn lol.
So there you have it. Things I know! I can't believe I remember this. But I tend to sit there and poke my bones when I get bored muttering the names. ...ohmigod, am I studying!? LIES. I must stop this immediately! Someone call for help!
Alriiiight. Four days of class and I can take a mean pulse, watch people breathe, and check blood-pressure. I also know where your bones are, unless you need help with your knees in which case you're screwed 'cause I don't know the fancy name for that. (-looks it up- Patella! That's it. Oh and 13 and 20 are "Phalanges." Whatever. -huff- And they say it's Pelvis...cool, then I'm rockin' - I think the pubis is the thing underneath the coccyx (tailbone) perhaps).
Bam. Recognize (yes I am such a boring person that I will LOOK this stuff UP for accuracy) -->
I'm excited for the CPR certification tonight and Monday. Pleasepleasepleaseplease be hands-on. I love hands-on. I am a very hands-on learner. In fact I tend to fail lecture classes and ace the labs, go figure.
(Thanks for the comments by the way, it's fun to know one or two people are actually reading this and I'm not just lecturing on medical nonsense to myself! ... although this may be good for studying for the State test...hmm...)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Night Three
Tonight we actually got to do hands-on stuff! HOORAY! We had a different instructor for the night and she let us play with stethoscopes.
Granted, that was after an hour and a half of crap I didn't care about but will be cramming for later... but still. I was more excited about actually doing stuff. I am already tired of lectures lol. But they promise by the end it will be hands on>lecture instead of lecture>hands on. Hope so. Soon.
We learned stuff like the "epiglottis" - which is the muscle that stops things you eat/drink from getting into your larnyx...which was funny since I immediately choked on my drink and we all got to laugh about "How's your epiglottis working?" which immediately came from the girl who sits to my left. So we all giggled at my expense. Thanks, Sonic.
We also learned about how if you break the C1 or C2 vertebra, you're effed. And dead. Below that, you're paralyzed. We ALSO discussed how most people who hang themselves who it wrong and break the wrong vertebra so they usually end up paralyzed. Then later she mentioned how people who cut side to side on their wrists are looking for attention, and those who cut up and down truly want to kill themselves. Then I began to wonder if she was trying to give us all advice on how to best kill ourselves, seeing as that seemed to be the theme for the night.
Then after all that we worked on pulse-taking (You have a pulse in your throat, on your arm a few inches down from your armpit, your wrist, inside your groin area, just above your ankle, and on top of your foot, by the way) and respiration-counting. That was a blasty-blast. I discovered I have a pretty solid 88bpm pulse but my respirations changed by like...ten in a minute. Geesh.
Then we got to play with them thar promised stethoscopes. She sent two smokers out to... smoke... and we all played about and waited for them. When they returned we listened to their lungs and the lungs of a non-smoker and holy crap is there a difference. The lungs on a smoker CRACKLE! Yes. Crackle. Like "Hi there, you're killing yourself." The non-smoker has smooth, even breaths all healthy-like. I was disturbed. When asked if this made them want to quit smoking both of the smokers went "...uh...no?" I'd sure be freaked out about the difference in MY lung sounds versus a normal person but I guess I'm not an idiot...
And then she let us go. 9pm. We are getting so spoiled. We're supposed to be there to 10pm.
I did, however, managed to shut-the-hell-up most of the night which I was excited by. I asked a few, pertinent, questions without chatting the whole time. Score.
So there we go.
Also, for your ease...Cast of Characters
-The woman on my left who's also a nursing major will be Nurse
-The woman to my right who's all healthy and crap will be Busy
-The teenager who's just about to go into her senior year of high school will be Kiddo
-The attractive guy to her left will be Cutie
-The firefighter to his left will be Crispy
-The girl with a nasty look on her face ALL the time shall be Meanie
-The boy with about fourteen facial piercings will be Holes
So there we go. Nurse, Busy, Kiddo, Cutie, Crispy, Meanie, and Holes.
Flaavaaa flaaaaav...
(please tell me you got that. please?)
Granted, that was after an hour and a half of crap I didn't care about but will be cramming for later... but still. I was more excited about actually doing stuff. I am already tired of lectures lol. But they promise by the end it will be hands on>lecture instead of lecture>hands on. Hope so. Soon.
We learned stuff like the "epiglottis" - which is the muscle that stops things you eat/drink from getting into your larnyx...which was funny since I immediately choked on my drink and we all got to laugh about "How's your epiglottis working?" which immediately came from the girl who sits to my left. So we all giggled at my expense. Thanks, Sonic.
We also learned about how if you break the C1 or C2 vertebra, you're effed. And dead. Below that, you're paralyzed. We ALSO discussed how most people who hang themselves who it wrong and break the wrong vertebra so they usually end up paralyzed. Then later she mentioned how people who cut side to side on their wrists are looking for attention, and those who cut up and down truly want to kill themselves. Then I began to wonder if she was trying to give us all advice on how to best kill ourselves, seeing as that seemed to be the theme for the night.
Then after all that we worked on pulse-taking (You have a pulse in your throat, on your arm a few inches down from your armpit, your wrist, inside your groin area, just above your ankle, and on top of your foot, by the way) and respiration-counting. That was a blasty-blast. I discovered I have a pretty solid 88bpm pulse but my respirations changed by like...ten in a minute. Geesh.
Then we got to play with them thar promised stethoscopes. She sent two smokers out to... smoke... and we all played about and waited for them. When they returned we listened to their lungs and the lungs of a non-smoker and holy crap is there a difference. The lungs on a smoker CRACKLE! Yes. Crackle. Like "Hi there, you're killing yourself." The non-smoker has smooth, even breaths all healthy-like. I was disturbed. When asked if this made them want to quit smoking both of the smokers went "...uh...no?" I'd sure be freaked out about the difference in MY lung sounds versus a normal person but I guess I'm not an idiot...
And then she let us go. 9pm. We are getting so spoiled. We're supposed to be there to 10pm.
I did, however, managed to shut-the-hell-up most of the night which I was excited by. I asked a few, pertinent, questions without chatting the whole time. Score.
So there we go.
Also, for your ease...Cast of Characters
-The woman on my left who's also a nursing major will be Nurse
-The woman to my right who's all healthy and crap will be Busy
-The teenager who's just about to go into her senior year of high school will be Kiddo
-The attractive guy to her left will be Cutie
-The firefighter to his left will be Crispy
-The girl with a nasty look on her face ALL the time shall be Meanie
-The boy with about fourteen facial piercings will be Holes
So there we go. Nurse, Busy, Kiddo, Cutie, Crispy, Meanie, and Holes.
Flaavaaa flaaaaav...
(please tell me you got that. please?)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hey There
If you're here from Ultimatebettas or Karen Marie Moning I <3 you either way. Leave a message after the tone!
...beep. >.>;
...beep. >.>;
Night Two
Pretty easy night again - got out at 9:20. Score.
I've discovered I cannot shut the hell up in class. I tried, I really did. I bit my tongue, I kept my hand pressed to my mouth, I counted backwards from eighty. But to no avail. Every time a thought, fleeting as it may be, crossed my mind in the form of a statement or a question...it burst from my mouth like an Alien from a damn chest. Yeah, top that metaphor. I dare you.
So I know I'm excited about the course material because I had constant questions. I could tell I was annoying the instructor because he started just talking over me when I tried to ask questions. So I managed to coerce myself to shut the hell up in the second half moreso than the first.
We covered EMT wellbeing - what happens if you get contaminated by a coughing patient with TB, or the fluids of someone with AIDS, etcetera. And some stuff about stress and mental stability which amuses me. I'm surprised my multiple "she's a crazy person!" diagnoses don't automatically DQ me from this job. But hey. The panic disorder is the only thing I'd forsee as a real issue. Also they're opening a station near where I live which would rock since then I can do nightshift on call. Which means I get paid $4 an hour to sit on my ass and do nothing unless there's a call. I think being "on call" sounds genius and awesome lol.
Then in the second half we touched on the medical legality stuff - DNRs, refusal of treatment/transit, etcetera. As amusing as it would be, an EMT cannot attack a random stander-by and drag them into the ambulance and practice their IV insertion. But if you do refuse an EMT's help, you have to read and sign a fancy waiver that probably says something like this:
"I've chosen to forgo medical treatment. This is because I'm a dumbass, and either I called 911 in a fit of idiocy, or I'm too stubborn to realize that the person who called it for me called for a reason. If I die of a heart attack sometime soon it's not your fault.
Of course that's just a guess, I haven't actually read the waiver yet.
We finally get to work on vital signs in Thursday. I'm a bit excited. That and some anatomy. Also cool. I haven't done vitals since I worked for a summer at a Podiatrist's office. I had a little machine that I put on their wrist and I held their arm up, and whammo - pulse and BP. So now I get to learn how to do it for real which is something I've wanted to do for a while. The BP, not the pulse. I'm fairly sure I'm not too underqualified to count some damn heartbeats. But we all know the first time I do it I'll lose my mind and make an idiot of myself in front of everyone trying to take a pulse with my thumb on the pulse point.
This class is making me a bit healthier too... I'm going to TRY to head out at 6:30 tomorrow morning to give some swimming a try. Gotta make my new $20 suit worth it. I suspect I will be waking up at 7:40 swearing because I have to be at work at 8:00 and it takes me :30 to drive there. This is just a sneaking suspicion I have. Possibly because I've been attatched to my own lazy ass for twenty years now.
Speaking of...whatever I was just speaking of, it's bedtime for me. There's the update. I'm amazed I actually did it. Hooray! Now inundate me with adoring and appreciative comments.
Go on.
I'm shameless.
I've discovered I cannot shut the hell up in class. I tried, I really did. I bit my tongue, I kept my hand pressed to my mouth, I counted backwards from eighty. But to no avail. Every time a thought, fleeting as it may be, crossed my mind in the form of a statement or a question...it burst from my mouth like an Alien from a damn chest. Yeah, top that metaphor. I dare you.
So I know I'm excited about the course material because I had constant questions. I could tell I was annoying the instructor because he started just talking over me when I tried to ask questions. So I managed to coerce myself to shut the hell up in the second half moreso than the first.
We covered EMT wellbeing - what happens if you get contaminated by a coughing patient with TB, or the fluids of someone with AIDS, etcetera. And some stuff about stress and mental stability which amuses me. I'm surprised my multiple "she's a crazy person!" diagnoses don't automatically DQ me from this job. But hey. The panic disorder is the only thing I'd forsee as a real issue. Also they're opening a station near where I live which would rock since then I can do nightshift on call. Which means I get paid $4 an hour to sit on my ass and do nothing unless there's a call. I think being "on call" sounds genius and awesome lol.
Then in the second half we touched on the medical legality stuff - DNRs, refusal of treatment/transit, etcetera. As amusing as it would be, an EMT cannot attack a random stander-by and drag them into the ambulance and practice their IV insertion. But if you do refuse an EMT's help, you have to read and sign a fancy waiver that probably says something like this:
"I've chosen to forgo medical treatment. This is because I'm a dumbass, and either I called 911 in a fit of idiocy, or I'm too stubborn to realize that the person who called it for me called for a reason. If I die of a heart attack sometime soon it's not your fault.
Of course that's just a guess, I haven't actually read the waiver yet.
We finally get to work on vital signs in Thursday. I'm a bit excited. That and some anatomy. Also cool. I haven't done vitals since I worked for a summer at a Podiatrist's office. I had a little machine that I put on their wrist and I held their arm up, and whammo - pulse and BP. So now I get to learn how to do it for real which is something I've wanted to do for a while. The BP, not the pulse. I'm fairly sure I'm not too underqualified to count some damn heartbeats. But we all know the first time I do it I'll lose my mind and make an idiot of myself in front of everyone trying to take a pulse with my thumb on the pulse point.
This class is making me a bit healthier too... I'm going to TRY to head out at 6:30 tomorrow morning to give some swimming a try. Gotta make my new $20 suit worth it. I suspect I will be waking up at 7:40 swearing because I have to be at work at 8:00 and it takes me :30 to drive there. This is just a sneaking suspicion I have. Possibly because I've been attatched to my own lazy ass for twenty years now.
Speaking of...whatever I was just speaking of, it's bedtime for me. There's the update. I'm amazed I actually did it. Hooray! Now inundate me with adoring and appreciative comments.
Go on.
I'm shameless.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yes, I do work from 8am to 3pm, why do you ask? >.>
I have officially had...five hours to read my next chapter in my EMT book.
Wanna know what I did instead?
See that cute, adorable, SQUEERIFIC banner up there?
...yeah. That's what I did instead.
I am gonna kick this class' ass.
I have officially had...five hours to read my next chapter in my EMT book.
Wanna know what I did instead?
See that cute, adorable, SQUEERIFIC banner up there?
...yeah. That's what I did instead.
I am gonna kick this class' ass.
Today's Rule
Lugging a twenty pound, twelve hundred page book in your backpack does not a cool kid make.
It does, however, a badass weapon make. New rule tomorrow.
It does, however, a badass weapon make. New rule tomorrow.
Night One
May 18, 2009.
Arrived thirty minutes early, looking like a total moron, having expected to get lost as I've never actually been to this college before. Fortunately, the instructors were both really nice and pleasant, and we had a decent conversation all about how totally not-on-the-ball I am as far as books (didn't have 'em), stethoscope (didn't expect to need one), shirt (didn't get one), pants (didn't know I needed a new pair), and actual money to pay for the class (nope).
After the other seven students arrived and three got sent to get their books I decided I didn't need to go grocery shopping and followed them, blowing $80 on a frickin' 1200 page book. Good thing? I will be able to do the reading, and it is looking like a book that will be one of those rare books you can use more than once. Bad thing? It cost me way too much friggin' money. Harrumph. I only bought it with my own cash because we need to have chapter one and two read by tomorrow and I am not that psychic so I actually need a book to read.
We then discussed two hours of boring, broken with intermittent weak jokes (that I still thought were funny, but my class appears to be populated by cadavers) and neat personal anecdotes (eeee paramedic stories). Tomorrow is apparently going to be four hours of boring. Then I get Wednesday off before four more hours of boring.
Also, I can't lift 125lbs. I have to be able to. I can lift 50lbs, and 60lbs, but after that I start to have a problem. Know what? 50lbs is half my body weight. I think that's pretty darn good. So I am thinking of going to the gym for an hour after work on Wendesday and Friday.
Note: That will never happen. I hate working out. But it's nice to pretend I'm going to be proactive.
Also if I miss three classes, I'm booted from the program - this will be hard for me, I'm truly horrible about not attending class. But at the moment I'm still excited for it, so let's hope that doesn't wear off. If get below a 75 on any test, I'm unable to be certified. This is a horrible thing to say to a girl with test anxiety so bad that I tend to get to the room and have an instant panic attack.
I think that's all we learned. I sleep soon...holy crap it's almost 1am... so I can get up tomorrow and do this all over again. Whoo...routine...
Arrived thirty minutes early, looking like a total moron, having expected to get lost as I've never actually been to this college before. Fortunately, the instructors were both really nice and pleasant, and we had a decent conversation all about how totally not-on-the-ball I am as far as books (didn't have 'em), stethoscope (didn't expect to need one), shirt (didn't get one), pants (didn't know I needed a new pair), and actual money to pay for the class (nope).
After the other seven students arrived and three got sent to get their books I decided I didn't need to go grocery shopping and followed them, blowing $80 on a frickin' 1200 page book. Good thing? I will be able to do the reading, and it is looking like a book that will be one of those rare books you can use more than once. Bad thing? It cost me way too much friggin' money. Harrumph. I only bought it with my own cash because we need to have chapter one and two read by tomorrow and I am not that psychic so I actually need a book to read.
We then discussed two hours of boring, broken with intermittent weak jokes (that I still thought were funny, but my class appears to be populated by cadavers) and neat personal anecdotes (eeee paramedic stories). Tomorrow is apparently going to be four hours of boring. Then I get Wednesday off before four more hours of boring.
Also, I can't lift 125lbs. I have to be able to. I can lift 50lbs, and 60lbs, but after that I start to have a problem. Know what? 50lbs is half my body weight. I think that's pretty darn good. So I am thinking of going to the gym for an hour after work on Wendesday and Friday.
Note: That will never happen. I hate working out. But it's nice to pretend I'm going to be proactive.
Also if I miss three classes, I'm booted from the program - this will be hard for me, I'm truly horrible about not attending class. But at the moment I'm still excited for it, so let's hope that doesn't wear off. If get below a 75 on any test, I'm unable to be certified. This is a horrible thing to say to a girl with test anxiety so bad that I tend to get to the room and have an instant panic attack.
I think that's all we learned. I sleep soon...holy crap it's almost 1am... so I can get up tomorrow and do this all over again. Whoo...routine...
Obligatory Greeting Post
From the depths of the internet, comes yet another blog - like we need a few more. This one from the speedy fingers of a girl who has just embarked on her quest to become an EMT-B. What is an EMT-B, you wonder? This is an emergency personnel sort of...person... who is responsible for arriving on the scene when you've just been in a nasty car wreck, or fell out of a tree like the idiot you are (you know you've done it), and need someone to keep you alive in between the scene and the hospital. The EMT-B is the one who can perform the CPR to keep you alive, push some light drugs into you (and start an IV after a special certification course), and splint you should that fall from the tree have broken your arm.
So who is this incredible lass who has decided to join the ranks of The Awesome (hereafter known as EMTs)? Well, she's a 5'0", 90lb, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, twenty-year-old girl who apparently finds it amusing to employ the third person. She's been reading other blogs and wishes for the same catharsis, hence...this. She will be sharing observations and cool knowledge tidbits, and perhaps some funny stories (minus any identifying information. Love ya HIPAA).
Her course is a summer course, three days a week for an ungodly four hours a night. She wants to have a running commentary from day one, for something amusing to look back on upon the day of the final practical and National certification. Don't despair - after the EMT-B certification she wholly intends to get an EMT-I (intermediate) certification. Then if she really likes it, EMT-P (paramedic).
Stay tuned.
So who is this incredible lass who has decided to join the ranks of The Awesome (hereafter known as EMTs)? Well, she's a 5'0", 90lb, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, twenty-year-old girl who apparently finds it amusing to employ the third person. She's been reading other blogs and wishes for the same catharsis, hence...this. She will be sharing observations and cool knowledge tidbits, and perhaps some funny stories (minus any identifying information. Love ya HIPAA).
Her course is a summer course, three days a week for an ungodly four hours a night. She wants to have a running commentary from day one, for something amusing to look back on upon the day of the final practical and National certification. Don't despair - after the EMT-B certification she wholly intends to get an EMT-I (intermediate) certification. Then if she really likes it, EMT-P (paramedic).
Stay tuned.
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