Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Night Seven

Yes, two posts in one day. It's true. I know.

Last night we learned some really fun stuff. Really. Yes.

Did you know: If you're walking down the street and an ambulance needs a driver, as long as you're over 18 with a valid license you can be COMMANDEERED and essentially kidnapped to drive the ambulance? LEGALLY?

So cool.

Also, between 5 and 7am is "heart attack and chest pain" time.

If you have someone on drugs and push Narcan, never ever push it all at once. They'll wake up super pissed.

We also got to...well, eye the backboards, but we didn't get to play with them yet. However, we will soon get to strap each other into the backboards... and come in and be informed "you and you are hurt, you and you are team leads go" lol. THAT will be super fun. Getting to do all the assessments and stuff. I'm excited to start doing scenarios!

Also there's a spiffy thing called The Black Bag, which contains all sorts of IVs and drugs and other goodies. Only an Intermediate or above can replace stuff in the Black Bag since it contains drugs which Basic cannot touch.

Doctors suck in the field. Just so you know. You don't want a doctor in the field if you can avoid it. They tend to get all flustered and pushy and generally just...suck. So if you're a doctor and you see an accident scene that has EMTs on scene, JUST KEEP DRIVING.

If you have a big accident scene and a small service, you should perform triage (meaning assess patients and start laying out equipment) while waiting for backup to arrive. This is because once you start the care of a patient, you cannot give it up unless it's to someone with the same or higher level as you (B to B, I, P, RN, Dr and I to I, P, RN, Dr and P to P, RN, Dr) and that can just cause problems. So if the care can wait, wait.

And there's what I learned.

Sorry it's actually informative instead of snarky, I'm exhausted.


  1. I've always wanted to drive an ambulance, although that's more because I think it would be fun to run red lights and drive really fast than anything else. Maybe some day I'll be kidnapped to drive one. That would be cool.
